Space Raccoons: raccoons in space

Play as Raccoons in Space, rummaging through a space trash heap to find the coolest space junk. Take turns looking through piles of cards to find what your looking for, and then either play those cards for their effects or stash them for points. All cards played or discarded are Trashed back into the trash heap to be picked out again.

Trash Heap

Rummage through piles of cards to find exactly what you need. As you look through the piles, they spread out


As you look through cards, make sure to avoid dangerous Hazard cards. These cards have negative effects or lose you points


Take the cards you find and put them into your Stash. Stashed cards are safe and scored for points at the end of the game

Space Raccoons: Raccoons in space is designed by 3 Game Design students at Rochester Institute of Technology. While it started as a class project, we felt it was turning into something really interesting and fun, and we've now been developing it for almost a year, aiming to eventually publish it through Kickstarter.

Brandon Korn


Will Buxton

William tallarico